Monday 11th

We had breakfast with Le and Lien and had to be on the bus by 8.30 with our bags down at Reception. We had a 2-1/2 to 3 hours drive to Alishan. It was a very steep, narrow and curvy road. Much, much worse than Macquarie Pass. We saw tea growing and there were planted tea trees on the sides of mountains. Allan stopped and got a sample of Betel Leaf – it is called Areca Nut and here are also Betel Beauties (we call them Escorts or Ladies of the night). When you buy some Betel leaves, they give you a mug to spit the flax in as you can’t swallow it. Yuk!!!
We passed a huge landslide and after another 2 hours of winding road, we arrived at our lunch at Alishan Hotel. It was very old and the blossoms were out but not very many. Our lunch wasn’t too bad but have had better. The pork steam buns were the only thing that was absolutely wonderful. Sandy bought some beers for the 6 of us (Wally, Helen, Le, Lien, himelf and me) and each bottle cost NT$120 ($A6.00).
We walked after lunch, and walked, and walked. We saw some trees that were over 1000 years old. They were so tall and straight. The old trees had the most wonderful root system above the ground and you could see how well preserved they were. It was very misty and some of the photos might not come out but I will have to wait and see.
One lady called Edna had trouble with the altitude. They thought they would have to get an ambulance for her, but in the end managed to get her to the top where we met our shuttle bus.
We left Alishan about 2.15 to travel to sample some tea at Formosa Tea. They only had 2 teas for us to sample and I wasn’t impressed with either.
We left there and travelled to Kaohsiung Liuho Night Market for our tea. It is about 1-1/2 hours driving. All we are doing at the moment is driving long distances and my ‘bottom’ is sore from sitting.
We then went to the British Consuls Residence which we are supposed to do tomorrow. It had a very, very steep climb to the top to see the residence and the view, which was to die for. It was over the Love River, where it is said that a young man and woman drowned in the river, hence the name. Allan said this is a true story but we have to believe him.
We arrived at the Night Markets and had an hour to get something to eat and have a look around before we went to our Hotel. We arrived at our hotel called Garden Villa at 9.30, and after we had a beer with Wally and Helen we went to bed exhausted. The beds are a bit softer than last night so shouldn’t take much rocking.
Helen got a text from Laura to say that Japan had another earthquake today and Wally got a 3 texts from Fiona (his cousin) to make sure they were alright. Wally spoke to Allan about this is and he didn’t know anything about it but would inform us on the bus tomorrow.
On the BBC News they said that the ‘quake’ registered 7.1 on the Richter scale. This is my worst fear, but here I am and we will have to wait and see what eventuates tomorrow.
We have a late start tomorrow and I think that will be great.

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