Tuesday 12th

Had breakfast 6.45am. Left the Hotel and went to Theresa Deng Memorial Museum. She was a very popular singer with all Asians. Well known for her patriotism to Taiwan. She was like Elvis, Johnny Cash etc to us.
We then went to Kening National Park. On the way we stopped at Pin Dong for a "pit stop" and a fruit beak. They are famous for their Wax Apples, Watermelon (which is green or yellow) and Mango which can be up to 1 foot long. Ty would just love this. Then we went on to Sail Rock, about an hour away. We passed lots of fish farms where they breed Groper and Sea Bass.
We had a sea food buffet at a Kenting famous restaurant and it wasn't too bad.
On to Light House Museum, about 10 minutes away. Saw a bride and groom having their wedding photos taken. I don't know if their tradition is the same as Chinese where they have wedding photos taken about 6 months before their wedding or not. Anyway, it was very windy up here so we didn't stay long, only about 40 minutes.
On our way now to Taitung where we are going to stay the night. We went via the Scenic Southern Link Highway which is going to take about 3-1/2 hours. It was a very winding an steep pass and sometimes I think the driver was going too fast. I was glad to get to the bottom in the end and in one piece.
Went along the Coast road and it was parallel to the Pacific Ocean. It was black sand, and I mean black, lots of huge rocks and plenty of trees (which I would call Drift wood). When I spoke to Allan (back at our hotel he said that the rocks and trees were washed up when a typhoon in 2009 had hit and as the beach belonged to the Aboriginals, they didn't want anyone to touch their beach. We also passed a damaged bridge which they were repairing from the typhoon.
Only 1/2 hour to go after our last "pit stop".
We arrived for a Taiwanese Gourmet tea at a Restaurant. It was the best meal I have eaten sine arriving.
We checked into our Naruwan Hotel in Taitung for the night. It was a lovely big room and the bed was very comfortable.
There was a 7/11 shop just out the side door so we got some beer and Wally and Helen came into our room and we had these.
We were in bed by 9.30 and slept until ????
We have a late start tomorrow, 9am we leave. Hoping to write more tomorrow night and fix up what has already been written.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. It is Saturday and raining here. We'll look out for more.

    Kevin & Sue
