Saturday 23rd April

Le and Sandy went down at 5.45am to have a Spa in the Japanese Mineral Springs. I didn't go so I had a shower while he was away. The bed was uncomfortable and as for the pillow!! Words don't describe it. It was hard one 1 side and had 3 bars on the other which apparently you could take out but we didn't find this out until the next morning. Duh!!!
This room was last night's room and this says it all.
We had breakfast at 7 and on the bus by 8 to go to Tateyama Korobe Gorge. We had our breakfast with Val, Gordon, Kim and Steve. It was simple but nice.
The steep cliffs of Korobe Gorge wants nature lovers to enjoy it's breathtaking scenery. It was once an isolated region but now offers a variety of thrilling sights for adventure seekers.
We went by various means of transport to reach the Ice Wall (which is only open in April). The journey costs 8900Y, went by bus, Cable Car (all the way indoors which wasn't any scenery to look at), shuttle bus and finally got there. It was a magical way to see the Ice Wall. The ice has built up and is about 7 metres high. There is only enough room for a bus to go through. I don't know who gives way to who if there is a bus coming the opposite way. By the time we got to the chalet, it was snowing and quite cold. We went out and Sandy wrote our names on the ice then we had to go back inside as it was freezing. We ended up sitting in the cafe having a coffee to try to warm up. I even had a coffee so that will tell you how cold I was. I don't like coffee!!!
The hotel was 2-1/4 hours away (Kimiyoshi Hotel, Tateyama).
Back on the bus and we stopped at a 7/11 store and had an ice cream. Never too cold for an ice cream. Our hotel was now about 1/4 hour away.
Tonight we stay at a Ryokan style hotel for the experience of traditional Japanese hostilities. On arrival, we got our room and had to take our shoes off. There were futons on the floor and we had to sit on the floor if we wanted to eat anything. It's not too bad getting down but getting up is another issue. Before tea Wally & Helen and Le and Lien went for another Spa in the hot springs. We had our tea on L2 and had to dress in our kimonos Sandy dressed up but I didn't. Quite a few of the others did and they looked terrific. We decided to dress in our kimonos for beakfast in the morning and have a photo taken.
We went back to our room for nibbles and cocktails. Le came in and Wally & Helen came too. Lien went to bed early??? Went to bed and we and to be on the bus by 8 tomorrow.

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