Saturday 16th

Had an early morning call and off we went to Chaing Kai-Shk Memorial Hall. It was a beautifully place and we climbed 89 steps and saw them erecting for a concert tonight. It is held by Delta and there are 5 gate, 6 columns and 11 arches. There were no backs on the seats so would have been mighty uncomfortable but there were 1000's of seats being put out.
We then went on to Martyr's Shrine where we saw the changing of the guards. It is a classic Ming Dynasty architecture. It was so colourful and there were 100's of people watching. There were 7 men dress in suite and I think they were the Security to make sure nobody crossed the lines. They rotate between the Army, Navy and Air Force to change the guard. It was absolutely brilliant.
Then we went on to Yung Ming National Park. It was donated by Rada watches in 1969 and it chimes every 30 minutes.
We went to Yangming Park and had a group photo taken. Only with everyone's camera. It had beautiful parks with squirrels, Bal Bal birds, rhododendrons and Azaleas. We even had an ice cream.
We had lunch at Ms Hsieh Li-hsiang restaurant. It was "different" to say the least. The food was OK.
After lunch we went to the National Park Museum. The 1st hour was with Allan and we had to wear ear phones while he talked. The National Park Museum is one of the world's 4 largest museums which hold the world's largest Chinese art collection, more than 70,000 pieces. We had coffee with Jean and Graham.
After an hour of driving we went to have a foot massage. "WOW"
The guy that did my feet was huge and I think he took his weight out on my feet but it was worth it. The whole bus of people had this done. The guy I had said I had stomach problems???.
On we went to the night markets. They are called Shih Lin Night Market. It is the largest night market in Taiwan. The were literally 1000's of people pushing and shoving there. The crowds were an understatement. Sandy got some new sox and then it started to drizzle rain.
We were on the bus by 7 and waiting to leave at 7.30. We came back home and there was heaps of traffic.
We are staying at the Howard Plaza Hotel in Teipei again tonight.

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