Thursday 21st April

We had breakfast with Noel & Chris, Marcelle & Graham, Bill & Edna this morning and we had to fight for a table with the Japanese taking most of the 3 restaurants.
Our bus was leaving today at 8.30 and we are going to Hikone Castle about 1/2 hour away. It is one of two of Japan's remaining 4 medieval wooden castles and are each around 400 years old.
Genkyu-en Garden, Hikone's number 2 attraction is the garden at the foot of the castle. The park contains a sprawling villa built in the Chinese Tang Dynasty style in 1677 for Naooki Li, the fourth lord of Hikone.
It has beautiful gardens and the surrounds are lovely too. There were large carp in the lake and black and white swans.
We again had to take our shoes off as there were lot of steps in the castle and they were large and steep. We had to come down backwards.
We left again at 10.30 on our way to Gujo Hachiman for lunch. Oh, for a steak and chips with salad!!!
On our way again (all we seem to do is travel by bus to another destination) to Takayama. It is a historical Edo period consisting of shops, museums and wine shops. It was from 1600-1868) On the way we passed mountains covered on the top with snow and also some snow on the roadside. There were lot of tunnel too, the longest being 4350metres long.
We went to Takayama Jinya (National Historic Site) which was so small on the outside but huge on the inside. We had a Japanese guide take us through. We stayed there about an hour then we wandered through the old town and looked in the shops.
We got back on the bus about 4.30 and came on to our hotel for the night. It was only about 10 minutes away. It was called the Hida Hotel in Takayama.
It had 2 3/4 beds again and we went for a walk before our tea, which was at 6.
Wally tried to access an ATM again but to no avail. This is the 3rd time he has tried.
Everyone seems to be able to get onto the Internet but us. Le even came to try and get us going but 'not on'.
We were having abeer in our room when "lo and behold" it came on and I am writing my blog.
Sandy and Le are going to have a Mineral spa (in the nude) in the morning so should be interesting. Le is picking up Sandy at 6.
I'm sorry it has taken do long to get up to date but with no Internet it couldn't be done.

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