Wednesday 20th April

We had a reasonable night and breakfast was OK and we are leaving at 8am.
We are off to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum about 20 minutes away.
On we went to Miyajima Island about 1/2 hour away. It is famous for the floating Itsukushima Shrine and also the Tori Gate.
We went across by ferry which took about 10 minutes. There were deer roaming around here also. We walked around but we only had 1/2 hour. We took lots of photos and I hope to put some on my blog when I get home.
On we went to our Restaurant for lunch. It was at a Japanese Restaurant where we had to take shoes off and sit on the floor. It was 10.30 and I wasn't hungry at the time of the day. It was way too early.
We were on the bus by 11.20 and we had about 4-1/2 hours driving to do. We were on our way to Kyoto. The driver was driving too fast for my liking so I decided to have a sleep after I had put on my seat belt (which I had just found). We had about 250kms to go and we then arrived at 4.15.
We saw Kourakuen Garden which was very beautiful. It is in Oakayama in the middle of the city. It was created at the order of the Ikeda Clan (the same people that founded the Sgizutani school), the gardens occupy most of the island in the middle of the Asahigawa river in central Okayama.
We saw the beautiful gold temple and the gardens are to die for. Looked through the gift shop and on the bus again for our hotel which is about 1-1/2 hours drive.
Our hotel (Nagahama Royal Hotel) had nice views and also had 2 3/4 beds.

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