Sunday 17th

Today is a free day. We ended up going by train to the Taipai International Flora Expo.
It was cold and wet and you name it, it was there.
The gardens were beautiful but they had been there since November and only had another week to go. The countries had exhibited their own gardens and when I get home will put some photos on my blog.
We came back to the hotel to get changed as we were wet and cold.

Then we went with Le & Lien and Wally & Helen to an store that sold electronic equipment. There were quite a few floors there but they all had the same equipment.
We came back and had a buffet tea at the hotel on the 4th floor.
We were going to go to Sogo (a large department store)but there wasn't anything there that appealed to us so went back to the hotel.
They had a great assortment of food and also some US baked ham and Leg of Lamb. It was NT880 each but worth every penny as we didn't have any Asian meal.
We came back to our room and had a night cap with Wally and Helen.

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