Wednesday 27th April

We arrived home at 10.55am. What a long flight!! The plane was a A330 Air Bus and it was full. We had good seats but there wasn't much leg room. The seating was 2 - 4 - 2. We had a 2 seater and Wally and Helen sat in front of us
They gave us a meal about 1am consisting of pork and rice or chicken and rice with all the trimmings. Sandy had some but we weren't hungry. Tried to sleep but it wasn't happening. Read until about 3.30 then tried again. You could nod off and when you wake up, think you have slept for 2 hours and find out that it has only been about 10 minutes. Wide awake again.A little baby girl about 6 months cried until the last hour from Sydney. Her parents looked really tired (as you can imagine) by the time we got to Sydney. They were sitting in the bulkhead seats and they had a baby boy (about 8 months) beside them and he never moved.
They served us breakfast about 8 which consisted of a choice between a ham/cheese sandwich (which we both took) or a chicken/rice dish. The ham & cheese sandwich was bacon, cheese and mushrooms on a baget roll. I didn't feel like this but ate the bacon and a few mushrooms. Had 2 lots of apple juice too. Sandy had his. We got into Sydney 10 minutes ahead of time as we had a tail wind.
I got some Opium perfume at Sydney Duty Free and came on through. My seeds that I had purchased in the Old Town got through Customs. I had declared them and when I got to Customs, they put them on the Computer and said I could keep them. Don't know when I am supposed to plane them as the writing is all in Chinese. I will put them in a pot as they are Morning Dew flowers.
The limousine was there to bring us home. I have never been so glad to see land and know that we are coming home.
Arrived home at 1.30 and the limo took Wally and Helen to their home. Sorted out our suitcases and started the washing. I didn't realise we had so much washing. It's all done except for 1 load and that can be done in the morning.
Andrew came in about 5.30 and Simon and the boys came in about 7.30. As we had had our tea, and Sandy had his about 5.30, we were sitting talking when Simon came in. Not really hungry but more tired than anything.
After tea the boys were in bed by and I followed and not far behind me was Sandy.
A good time was had by us and we thoroughly enjoyed the company. I think we are getting that much older and don't need the early starts and late finishes but..........

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